Monday, June 11, 2012

blog 25: service learning

L) 6/1 Work 4hrs. Re-shelving and cutting onions, cilantro, limes and moving boxes
6/2 Work 12 hrs. Cleaning grills, cutting limes, radishes and onions. Selling bbq'd chicken, making beans
6/3 Work 12 hrs. Cleaning grills, re-shelving, selling chicken, making beans, washing trays
6/4 Work 5 hrs. Re-shelving, cutting limes, radishes, sweeping outside
6/5 Work 5 hrs. Sweeping, cleaning grills, cutting tortillas

Jose Pinedo 

I) The most important I've gained from this experience is learning how hard it is to be working in a restaurant. Always standing and moving and surrounded by dangerous stuff all the time. Hard work indeed.

A) It helped by showing me all the little things that need to be done so that the bigger things like making the food can be done.

Jose Pinedo

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