Monday, June 4, 2012

blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1. What is an Italian chef to you?
2. What makes a good Italian chef?
3. What do you define Italian food as?
4. When did you realize you wanted to cook Italian food?
5. Why do you cook Italian food? (as oppose to other foods)
6. How often do you add new things into your cooking methods?
7. Where there any people who influenced you to cook?
8. When does professionalism come in as a factor in Italian cooking?
9. Do you feel there are any misconceptions about Italian food?
10. What region(s) of Italy is the food you prepare from?
11. What is most important when preparing an Italian meal?
12. Do you need to know Italian history to run an Italian restaurant?
13. Are there any areas outside of cooking that can help you improve as a chef?
14. Is it hard to run a business like this? Why?
15. What's the most important part of the meal?
16. What steps do you take to prepare a meal?
17. Have you ever taught someone to cook Italian food?
18. Do you make your own recipes or are they handed down?
19. What preparations do you take before each lunch/dinner rush?
20. What are some things you must know as a chef in order to prepare an Italian meal?

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