Monday, June 11, 2012

Blog 21: 3 column

blog 15: Independent component 1

L) I, Sebastian Arce, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work
I have completed my 30 hours by buying my ingredients at the stores, and making the food at home. 

I) This shows 30 hours of work because it takes time to find the specific ingredients you need in order to make the meal and obviously it takes time to make the actual meal. The meals themselves take a long time. meals I prepare take from around 1-2 hrs of work to complete. I've made a quite a few meals this year, enough to complete and go over 30 hours worth of work. 

A) It helps answer my eq because it shows me that I can make my own recipes just by altering the ingredients in the recipe. My best answer is the evolution of recipes, meaning altering them, and that's what I did. 

Blog 16: independent component 2 approval

What I plan on doing for my Independent Component, is too cook, buy ingredients and create grocery lists. How I will do this for 30 hours? Well going out and purchasing the ingredients takes about an hour, cooking usually takes about another hour to an hour and a half. Making a list doesn't take much time, but is needed to buy the ingredients. So in one meal, I would spend 2-2 1/2 hours. Doing this for a total of 15 times should get me 30 hours. It fits intp my EQ because finding fresh ingredients is an important task when preparing an Italian meal, or any meal for that matter. 

blog 18: the product

I now cook more independently at home. I have learned from my service learning El Appetiz under Jose, how to make lasagna, and I have learned to make it, and so now I make it at home for my family.

blog 19: answer 2

  • Provide a rough draft in how you plan to address the following:
    • EQ = What is most important when preparing an Italian meal?
    • Answer 2 = Knowing a recipe and changing it is important when preparing a meal.
    • Evidence = Marcus Gavius Apicius, cookbooks and history
    • Source = The Origins and History of Italian Food (article)

Blog 20: room creativity

1. I plan to cover the tables with paper so it they can put food on them. I don't plan to do much for creativity.
2. I plan on making 1 activity for all my answers.

Blog 23: Interview 5


1. Not sure
I told him he may need to get started and picking something quick or else it'll sneak up on him and screw him up.
2. Again not sure
Try not to pick anything medical, or if so, get a spot reserved way in advance because it's going to be hard to get into something like that.
3. I expect to see presentations, and get ideas on what I can do for mine.
Try to look at the activities because people seem to have problems with those. Also take a look at the pacing of the power points.
4. None
Really get on the ball next year, if you wait it off, things will pile up and will make you really suffer.

Blog 24: Independent Component 2

L) I, Sebastian Arce, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work
I have completed my 30 hours by buying my ingredients at the stores, and making the food at home. 

I) This shows 30 hours of work because it takes time to find the specific ingredients you need in order to make the meal and obviously it takes time to make the actual meal. The meals themselves take a long time. meals I prepare take from around 1-2 hrs of work to complete. I've made a quite a few meals this year, enough to complete and go over 30 hours worth of work. 

A) It helps answer my eq because it shows me that I can make my own recipes just by altering the ingredients in the recipe. My best answer is the evolution of recipes, meaning altering them, and that's what I did. 

blog 25: service learning

L) 6/1 Work 4hrs. Re-shelving and cutting onions, cilantro, limes and moving boxes
6/2 Work 12 hrs. Cleaning grills, cutting limes, radishes and onions. Selling bbq'd chicken, making beans
6/3 Work 12 hrs. Cleaning grills, re-shelving, selling chicken, making beans, washing trays
6/4 Work 5 hrs. Re-shelving, cutting limes, radishes, sweeping outside
6/5 Work 5 hrs. Sweeping, cleaning grills, cutting tortillas

Jose Pinedo 

I) The most important I've gained from this experience is learning how hard it is to be working in a restaurant. Always standing and moving and surrounded by dangerous stuff all the time. Hard work indeed.

A) It helped by showing me all the little things that need to be done so that the bigger things like making the food can be done.

Jose Pinedo

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blog 27: Senior Project Reflection

(1) Positive Statement

I am most proud of the fact that I completed the presentation, and the face that i learned a few more things when putting together my presentation. I am most proud of these because it means that I have completed the biggest obstacle of the year. 

(2) Questions to Consider

a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your 2-Hour Presentation (self-assessment)? Why?

AE            P            AP            CR            NC

Because I did rather well, I met and surpassed the time required.

b.     What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)? Why?

AE             P            AP            CR            NC

I feel that i could have done much better this year overall. 

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
Something that worked for me was lesson plan requirement for the 2 hour. It really made me focus on what I would need to teach. 

(4) What didn’t work for you in your senior project?
What didn't work for me was the model assembly. I felt that that time could have been spent more wisely, like allowing us all more time to find research or allowing us to change our subject earlier on. 

(5) Finding Value
How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?   Be specific and use examples. 
Service learning helped me realize all the work that goes on in a real job. Knowing how hard it is to find a job and to work at the job, it'll give me time to think about what I really want to do and to purse that job.

Monday, June 4, 2012

blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1. What is an Italian chef to you?
2. What makes a good Italian chef?
3. What do you define Italian food as?
4. When did you realize you wanted to cook Italian food?
5. Why do you cook Italian food? (as oppose to other foods)
6. How often do you add new things into your cooking methods?
7. Where there any people who influenced you to cook?
8. When does professionalism come in as a factor in Italian cooking?
9. Do you feel there are any misconceptions about Italian food?
10. What region(s) of Italy is the food you prepare from?
11. What is most important when preparing an Italian meal?
12. Do you need to know Italian history to run an Italian restaurant?
13. Are there any areas outside of cooking that can help you improve as a chef?
14. Is it hard to run a business like this? Why?
15. What's the most important part of the meal?
16. What steps do you take to prepare a meal?
17. Have you ever taught someone to cook Italian food?
18. Do you make your own recipes or are they handed down?
19. What preparations do you take before each lunch/dinner rush?
20. What are some things you must know as a chef in order to prepare an Italian meal?

Blog 11: Third Interview Questions

1.How long have you been in business? 

2. Is it difficult to succeed in this business?
3. What do you need to know about Italian history to run an Italian restaurant? 
4. What do you need to know about the food to run an Italian restaurant?
5. What do you need to know about business to run an Italian restaurant?
6. What region(s) of Italy is the food you serve from?
7. What is most important when preparing an Italian meal?
8. What is the most important part of the meal?
9. What is authentic Italian food?
10. Where is your ancestry from? 

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

What I plan on doing for my Independent Component, is too cook, buy ingredients and create grocery lists. How I will do this for 30 hours? Well going out and purchasing the ingredients takes about an hour, cooking usually takes about another hour to an hour and a half. Making a list doesn't take much time, but is needed to buy the ingredients. So in one meal, I would spend 2-2 1/2 hours. Doing this for a total of 15 times should get me 30 hours. It fits intp my EQ because finding fresh ingredients is an important task when preparing an Italian meal, or any meal for that matter. 

(a) Statement saying: “I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.” 
(b) Explanation of what you completed.

Defend your work and explain how the significant parts of your component and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.

How did it help you answer your EQ?  Be specific and use examples.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Blog 22

What is most important when preparing an Italian meal?

Answer 3: An important part of cuisine is the presentation of the product.

Evidence: Service Learning

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog 13: Answer 1

1. Safety in the kitchen
2. My personal experience when cooking. Examples being burning my hand and slicing my finger.
3. Service Learning & Independent Component

Blog 12: Service Learning

I am working at El Appetiz in Baldwin Park. My contact is the owner of the restaurant, Jose. I have helped in anyway the chefs needed like grating cheese, making dressing, making croutons, making lasagna, etc. I have worked here for 12 hours.

Blog 11: Third Interview Q's


Blog 8: Research Reflection

So far, i have not learned anything new from just doing research. Although i have learned a few things in my service learning. For my topic, research on it's own isn't enough to learn something. You need to actually be able to work on things hands on. So my answer to this blog is that I need to do things hands on or I will not learn much besides history.

Blog 4: Interview 1 & Presentation 1

My first interview affected my presentation by clarifying a few things. In example, my interview helped distinguish the difference between a coroner and a medical examiner, coroner being an elected official and a medical examiner being appointed. What i think stood out was the knowledge i had about the different types of autopsies and the way they were used. The most challenging thing for me was speaking at a speed that was slow enough to explain everything well yet fast enough to cover everything.

Friday, January 6, 2012


1. I am focusing on being able to learn the italian food trade in order to later on teach other people to cook.
2. So far, I have learned that when cooking, you must keep tasting the food and add ingrediants that you believe it needs; you need to be fast when working in a restaurant.
3. It helps me follow instructions, like when I need to follow the directions of the chefs.
1. On how to be a listener and an obediant person.
2. In my service learning, I need to follow every instrucion to the letter or the dish will not come out right.
3. As I have said before, it teaches me to be more obediant and follow insturcions to the letter.