Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog 13: Answer 1

1. Safety in the kitchen
2. My personal experience when cooking. Examples being burning my hand and slicing my finger.
3. Service Learning & Independent Component

Blog 12: Service Learning

I am working at El Appetiz in Baldwin Park. My contact is the owner of the restaurant, Jose. I have helped in anyway the chefs needed like grating cheese, making dressing, making croutons, making lasagna, etc. I have worked here for 12 hours.

Blog 11: Third Interview Q's


Blog 8: Research Reflection

So far, i have not learned anything new from just doing research. Although i have learned a few things in my service learning. For my topic, research on it's own isn't enough to learn something. You need to actually be able to work on things hands on. So my answer to this blog is that I need to do things hands on or I will not learn much besides history.

Blog 4: Interview 1 & Presentation 1

My first interview affected my presentation by clarifying a few things. In example, my interview helped distinguish the difference between a coroner and a medical examiner, coroner being an elected official and a medical examiner being appointed. What i think stood out was the knowledge i had about the different types of autopsies and the way they were used. The most challenging thing for me was speaking at a speed that was slow enough to explain everything well yet fast enough to cover everything.

Friday, January 6, 2012


1. I am focusing on being able to learn the italian food trade in order to later on teach other people to cook.
2. So far, I have learned that when cooking, you must keep tasting the food and add ingrediants that you believe it needs; you need to be fast when working in a restaurant.
3. It helps me follow instructions, like when I need to follow the directions of the chefs.
1. On how to be a listener and an obediant person.
2. In my service learning, I need to follow every instrucion to the letter or the dish will not come out right.
3. As I have said before, it teaches me to be more obediant and follow insturcions to the letter.