Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blog 10

1.  So far, i believe I am doing not so good, considering I'm behind on articles for research and still need my 2nd interview. I now have my service learning, which is a giant relief. So far, CR.
2. I believe that  have done my service learning really well. I feel like i have really put effort in helping out in the kitchen with anything that he chefs needed help with.
3. I believe i could improve on my independent task. I could pick different dishes to make instead of just one. I can and will improve on cooking different and harder dishes.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blog 9:Science Proposal

  1. If concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium and aluminum are tested separately, along with an Antacid in a replica of stomach acid, then calcium would be the most effective in increasing the ph level in the acid. 
  2. Dependent: Ph level Independent: concentration of each ingredient Control: stomach acid
  3. The connection between this experiment and my EQ, is that some food can cause stomach acid. Knowing how to treat heartburn effectively would make eating more enjoyable for others. 
  4.  Materials:
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Potassium Chloride
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Magnesium
  • Aluminum
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • 100mL beaker
  • Ph paper


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog 7:Independent Task Component 1 Plan Approval

i plan on watching thirty hours of forensic investigation documentaries. to meet the thirty hours, i will have to watch several different documentaries on forensics, hopefully ones that focus on forensic pathology. i will take notes on every documentary i watch. it relates to my eq because i  get to watch several people doing the same thing different ways, thus i can decide for myself which documentary was the best fit for my eq.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blog 6

first) what is most important to succes as a forensic pathologist                         second) succes: reliable, knowledgable, patient and having a strong stomach      third) i have no possible answers at the moment.                                                      fourth) my most reliable source at the moment is crime scene investigation by domonic joseph t.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog 5:2nd interview Q's

first. how did you get into forensic pathology.... second. did you want to be in this career, or did you have something else in mind.... third. how was your first day on the job... fourth. do you ever get used to working on the deceased....fifth. how long did it take you to reach this point...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blog 3:5 min Presentationt

Objective: my objective is to inform the students about the different types of autopsies.             procedure: first. i would tell them the difference between a forensic autopsy and a clinical autopsy second. i will tell them about external autopsy, partial autopsy, and complete autopsy. i will check for understanding by setting a situation in which they would have to answerr with which autopsy they would use. y

Monday, September 12, 2011

Blog 2:interview Q's

i am interviewing my uncle who is a doctor. the reason  i am interviewing him because to become a pathologist, you need to go through all the training as a doctor, and since he is a doctor i could ask him how medical school was and how he felt about it. some additional questions i could ask are :
do you know anything about forensic pathology?
do you know anyone who is in that field?
how was medical school for you/

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blog 1: What? Why? What purpose?

I chose forensic pathology as my senior project because it is something i am really looking forward to doing as a career. The purpose for why i chose forensic pathology is so that i could learn more about it and teach my peers a thing or two about what a forensic pathologist does.